" I have enough jewellery!- said no woman".
True! What can be more fun than shopping your accessories that perfectly suit your occasion and attire! But the fact is, this process is a never ending bliss for a fashionista.
Oh yeah! When i thought of this never ending joy one thing that struck my head was " Mandalas". Mandalas is a spiritual term to represent complete and never ending. They are complex and abstract designs that bring joy and happiness to the observer. The colors used in mandala reflect the inner joy in you and helps you stay happy and sound. To me, a Mandala is a sense of beauty that brings immense happiness.
We have also named the box that the products reach you as the "ZIVARA BOX OF HAPPINESS". Our customers on Instagram told us how happy they felt on opening our boxes and how satisfied they felt. That is what has made us motivated and feel good about providing unique and branded accessories at extremely affordable prices.
Finally, Zivara aims to give you that unbounded pleasure of shopping with complete satisfaction and good user experience.
Hope you would experience it soon!!
Meet you with a new and exciting blog real soon.